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企 业 名 称:上海航空特种车辆有限责任公司

所 属 网 库:上海交通网库

联 系 人:葛坚铭先生

职 位:技术部项目工程师

员 工 人 数:101 - 200 人

主 营 产 品:特种车辆 房车 移动别墅 环卫车 垃圾运输车 中转站 扫路车 垃圾压缩车 军用车 金融运输车 航空车 指挥车 拉臂垃圾车 仪器车 电动车 特殊用途车辆

公 司 地 址:中国 上海 上海市宝山区 上海市宝山区顾村航空工业园区富联路758号

联 系 电 话:86-021-13818003363

电 子 邮 箱:junyongcheng@163.com

邮 政 编 码:201906

移 动 电 话:13818....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-021-13818003363

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:有限责任公司(国有独资或控股)

主 营 行 业:垃圾车 道路清扫车 旅居车 牵引车 挂车 交通运输产品加工


    上海航空特种车辆有限责任公司现隶属中国航空工业第一集团公司,是集专业设计、制造、经营各种军民用专用车、特种车的高新技术企业,公司从事专用车特种车研制和经营有三十多年的历史,已形成的专用车特种车产品有:环卫车系列、消防车系列、军用方舱系列、冷链车系列、仪载车、安防车、指挥车及房车。 公司秉承“精益制造、服务社会”的企业宗旨、“航空技术、特种车辆、持续改进、用户至上”的质量方针、“务实创新、开拓奋进”的企业精神和“诚实守信、共同发展”的经营理念。 蓬勃发展的上航车辆公司有充分的诚心和信心,与各界朋友精诚合作;依靠先进的技术和设备,为您提供优质的产品,依靠完善及时的售后服务支持您的工作。   As a member of China Aviation Industry Corporation I, Shanghai Aviation Vehicle Corp. Ltd. is specialized in designing, manufacturing and supplying various trucks, trailers, and vehicles, particularly environment management equipment , fire engines and military service equipment. Adopting the latest business development concept and market oriented philosophy, Shanghai Aviation Vehicle Corp. Ltd. has integrated its customers’ involvement into the emngineering process. With its diligent and vibrant engineering pool, some phases of the product innovation, design, production, improvement and servicing have been anatomized based on the end-user’s needs and hence have fulfilled considerably the customers’ individual requirements, such as stringent technical demand, distinct operation and small delivery lot size. By contributing its diverse engineering and manufacturing experiences, Shanghai Aviation Vehicle Corp Ltd has supported a wide range of customers' developmental needs varying from distinct applications to multistage infrastructure projects. It has also provided valuable services that offered great flexibility along with high quality which allowed its customers to tailor their own operations towards the needs of their clients which in turn generated more satisfaction and goodwill from their clients. Shanghai Aviation Vehicle Corp Ltd is looking forward to having the opportunity to serve you.
    Logo LoadingLogo Loading Copyright ? 2009-2010 中航工业上海航空特种车辆有限责任公司. All Rights。
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网评:上海航空特种车辆有限公司 主要经营环保系列车辆 消防系列车辆 军用系列车辆。
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